
We live in New England in a 100 year old 2 story Cape that we have fully renovated.

I am a Designer/Travel Planner Extraordinaire. He is an Engineer/Awesome Builder.

We are DINKS. We do have a tuxedo cat that was rescued from Puerto Rico. We’re trying to spend his inheritance one trip at a time. Poor guy will be left a pauper when we die.

We work, we travel, we spend time with family. Repeat. It’s simple. Sometimes we travel with family and friends. Those are some of the best trips.

We do not have a long list of places we plan to visit. No buckets lists here, sorry. What we do have is a tentative schedule for 2 years out of places that we are hoping to see. Two Years! Yes. We have jobs with responsibilities. Taking 2 weeks off has to be well planned. We also have a vested interest on a future retirement that is comfortable and will support our travel addiction. Currently we have a dream of taking a 180 Days Around the World Trip and yes, we have a savings account for that.